Poshak-Cultural Clothing

Muhammad Qasim
3 min readJan 21, 2021


Do you also have brilliant ideas for any social cause but don’t know how to get started?

If, yes then this blog is for you!

We, at Amal Academy, are given the opportunity to turn our empathies into implementable ideas through a Megaproject. As we enter into the execution phase of our Megaproject, we are now more aware of the possibilities and obstacles present in projecting any idea, even on the smallest scale.

Well, the idea we proposed is all about the fashion heritage of Pakistan.

You all are aware of the fact that Pakistan has a range of beautiful cultural designs from each province but unfortunately those who actually own the design, do not get the right attention, and the fancy brands seize the market by changing and reinterpreting the actual heritage.

(Poshak) will focus on keeping things real and in the hands of people who deserve to have the price, we also provide customization in cultural and traditional dresses. Online service and home delivery available only in Karachi.

So we Amal Fellows went on a drive to know the problems & situations of the people. We roamed around some markets and shops! Guess what, we saw cultural dresses that were sold at a very high price and the women were continuously bargaining with him. We came to realize that initially it would cost very low and the original maker wouldn’t get much compared to the price being sold.

We approached the rural women of Sindh and told them our initiative. At first, they couldn’t understand what we were trying to portray, but then explaining the benefits in detail and the service we will provide stand out and they agreed with us.

After so many rejections. We decided to meet and we dived right into the discussion. From the sea of ideas, our boat stopped at one shore. A little late; I might add, but still it was something. You know there is a saying, “It’s better to go slow in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction”.

We are in the process of our business name. (Poshak is a sample name you may suggest in the comment section or viewed whether it stands out or not). It might be inspired by all the blend of culture. The samples are getting ready along with that we are developing our website, page, logo, and slogans. It is a bit complicated task to have everything in smooth order. However, we are confident enough to face all these obstacles.

We want to show the tribute to our culture and traditions that need to be showcased around the world. The website is in the process. Furthermore, we have planned our marketing strategy and all the post and content ideas.

InshaAllah! Everyone would see our idea becoming a reality soon

The challenge we are facing is customization, design and secondly was the marketing strategy. But Alhumduallah we have a BBA student with us that will improve and solve more efficiently with her background knowledge. Last and most important was the material that where we are going to get it from and how it will be cost-effective, fortunately, one of our members found his relative that would sell us at a very low price.

We will be launching the first product (Kurti) in the market through different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram moreover, we are creating a website for it too. Inshallah, we hope to receive a good response as we stand out by providing customize designs. Then we will launch our second product i.e. denim jacket with cultural/traditional embroidery over it.



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